The University of Iowa Biomedical Science Graduate Program is a first-year umbrella program that allows students the flexibility to find their path in one of seven PhD subprograms: Cancer Biology, Cell and Developmental Biology, Experimental Pathology, Free Radical & Radiation Biology, Molecular Medicine, Molecular Physiology and Biophysics, and Pharmacology. Through common didactics, immersive research experiences, and hands-on faculty mentoring, the Program is committed to providing the opportunities for graduate students to learn, explore, and pioneer life-saving discoveries to improve healthcare and public health. Our students will be the next generation of educators, researchers, and leaders of the national and international biomedical workforce.
Professor Amy Ryan in Lab



Professor Munir Tanas in Lab

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Carver College of Medicine Sign

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ACB Seminar Series - Aidan Ruth  promotional image

ACB Seminar Series - Aidan Ruth

Wednesday, December 4, 2024 9:30am to 10:30am
Bowen Science Building
Dr. Aidan Ruth, an Associate Professor in the Center of Anatomical Sciences and Education at the Saint Louis University School of Medicine will present a seminar titled "More than Content: The Epiphenomena of Anatomy Education."
ACB Seminar Series - Sean Hartig  promotional image

ACB Seminar Series - Sean Hartig

Wednesday, December 11, 2024 9:30am to 10:30am
Bowen Science Building
Dr. Sean Hartig, an Associate Professor of Medicine from Baylor University will present a seminar titled "Endocrine Signals from Adipose Tissue That Regulate Post-Prandial Body Temperature."
Wide Lens: LISTENING promotional image


Thursday, May 8, 2025 5:30pm
Voxman Music Building
In a world full of noise, we often try listening to something: conversations with colleagues and family, music in our headphones, videos blasting from our smartphones. We hear all these things daily, but what does it mean to truly listen? In what sense do devices also listen to us? What is the role of silence in listening? How has listening changed over time? Can political tensions be solved through “listening”? How is listening both an art and a science? This Wide Lens event brings together...

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